The West Cameroon Association
The West Cameroon Association (WCA) is a collective of English speaking Cameroonians in Cameroon and the Diaspora.
- Self-determination for West Cameroon based on the Anglo-Saxon heritage.
- To collaborate with local and international organisations of similar interests in order to facilitate research, policy formulation, organisation and negotiations on matters affecting the people of West Cameroon.
- The West Cameroon Association (WCA) is a collective of English speaking Cameroonians in Cameroon and the Diaspora.
- It is a global organisation with international presence in every country where there are West Cameroonians, particularly in the UK, USA and Europe as well as in the home base of West Cameroon.
- It is a participatory, collaborative union which aims to promote civil, social and economic development to advance and strengthen the growth of the heritage of English speaking Cameroonians in West Cameroon and the Diaspora. West Cameroon geographically constitutes the South West and North West regions of Cameroon.
- It is a not-for-profit organisation that is independent of government, government agencies and political parties.
- Our members are individuals or group who are connected or have an interest in the development and aspirations of West Cameroon.
- To work and collaborate with local and international organisations of similar interests
- Provide a unified front and voice in respect of negotiations, advisory services and assistance which correctly represents the aspirations of the people of West Cameroon.
- Form a focused pool of best ideas on the future of West Cameroon by leveraging human and capital resources for development initiatives.
- Participate in humanitarian development, education, information technology, legal services, advocacy support, electoral and political facilitation projects.
- Assist with research, policy development, shaping long term strategy and solutions.
- Identify different options that can lead to a lasting solution for West Cameroon
- Identify the various elements, stakeholder groups or components required to formulate a unified lasting solution
- Determine the likely solution model that is feasible and achievable for West Cameroon
- Facilitate fundraising activities and membership building by providing a platform for everyone to register so that fund raising can be facilitated and coordinated to promote membership activities.
- Provide a structured technology platform for collaboration networking, facilitation, and collating of material relevant to matters of West Cameroon
- Act as a focal point for vetted information dissemination
- Promote the history and culture of the people of West Cameroon.
- Provide a framework and process for selecting negotiators and advisory teams, and development of policy on both domestic and international matters.
Latest News & Infos
Current Information and News on West Cameroon
The ‘Francophonisation’ of the English Educational Subsystem undermines Anglophone education, culture and heritage and subverts the entire notion of a unitary national polity.
For over half a century our infrastructural growth are at their nadir & lowest ebb possible, given the variegated wealth & richness in resources and human potential.
The prosperity, wellbeing, growth, development and future of any nations is directly proportionate to how well it treats the individual who is the essential core and fundamental unit of any human society.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to help you understand the West Cameroonian problem
The West Cameroon Association (WCA) is a collective of English speaking Cameroonians in Cameroon and the Diaspora..
To collaborate with local and international organisations of similar interests in order to facilitate research, policy formulation, organisation and negotiations on matters affecting the people of West Cameroon.
Provide a unified front and voice in respect of negotiations, advisory services and assistance which correctly represents the aspirations of the people of West Cameroon.
The Pre-meditated and systematic erosion of the Anglo-Saxon heritage (Language, Culture, Values) and systems (Political, Education, Common Law) in West Cameroon since independence by La Repubique du Cameroun (LRC), that has severely disadvantaged the people of West Cameroon.
We are not Anglophones. Using the name Anglophone to define Southern Cameroonians is inherently flawed. Southern Cameroonians are a people, recognized by the UN. We are not recognized for our language, or as a tribe, but as a territory which was under the mandate of the UN, a British trust territory. We ceded Southern Cameroon from the plebiscite to enter into a Federation with LRC – with the understanding that both entities would co-exist as equal proportionate partners. With the resurrection of LRC, and with further persistent deliberate and systemic breaches of the terms of the federation, LRC has silently sued for the resurrection of Southern Cameroons which we are very happy to resurrect! We did not start this. LRC did and we are now duty bound to see it to its logical conclusion to ensure a lasting settlement for Southern Cameroon.
Anglophones are the people of the Federation of West Cameroon or The Southern Cameron State that was under British Rule until the plebiscite of October 1961. The Anglo-Saxon heritage represents the way of life of the people who geographically occupy the SW & NW regions of Cameroon.
- Limited employment opportunities in government and the civil service
- Run down and a severe lack of investment in our infrastructure
- A severe lack of adequate investment opportunities
- Deliberate erosion of our Anglo-Saxon values and standards of democratic politics, education, law enforcement and our inherited electoral process to govern ourselves which has led to high levels of corruption inherited from LRC.
- The Anglophone Problem is not a matter of how many Anglophones are in government.
- The Anglophone Problem has nothing to do with the fact that the Prime Minister is Anglophone. In fact, if it did, perhaps a reminder that the Head of State is Francophone would water down the argument. And if it doesn’t, remember that the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, the President of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General, President of Economic and Social Council, the Secretary General at the Presidency, the Military Joint chief of staff, the head of the Police are also Francophone.
- The Anglophone Problem has nothing to do with bad roads and high levels of unemployment in the North West and South West regions.
The Anglophone Problem is not how many people speak both languages nor is it how much inter marriage there is between Anglophones and Francophones.
- Many young professionals who graduate from home universities of Anglo-Saxon origin struggle to get jobs as most of the opportunities are in LRC, where the working language is French.
- Also their prospects of getting into government professional schools which are predominantly situated in LRC is very difficult as the entrance exams into those schools are set and administered in French based on the Baccalaureate.
- Most often, the admissions process is plagued by endemic corruption often requiring huge bribes by the corrupt Francophone admissions officers. Many of those who succeed in the written exams are prohibited from entry as they cannot afford the exorbitant sums required to bribe the admissions authorities.
Majority of ordinary people live in poverty due to lack of adequate government investments in the West Cameroon regions. The problem is made worse because the government authorities adminisering the West Cameroon regions are Francophones who speak little or no English and are appointed by presidential decree. These French speaking individuals from LRC, do not represent the people of West Cameroon as they have not been elected by the people and therefore are not accountable to them. Consequently, they have little interest in advancing and prioritising any growth opportunities to develop the regions, hence many of the people make their livelihoods from private investment opportunities generated from the diaspora.
“When health, the well being & happiness & the pursuit of freedom is fundamental to the core values of any given society, such a society will know only peace & calm even in times of hardships & adversities ”
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”